WSC Transport Inc
1900 Bassett Ave South
Listowel, ON, N4W-3G9

WSC Transport Inc. is a privately owned transportation company dedicated to the agricultural community. Even our initials WSC are derived from the crops Wheat, Soya & Corn - harvested in that every year.

We are so thankful for our dedicated team of Company Drivers and Owner Operators. Many have been with us since the beginning. We couldn’t ask for a better team.

Over the past ten years we have worked with so many farm families, companies, and all their employees. It has been a pleasure to work with each and every one of you.

When you support agriculture, and small business you’re supporting a dream.

Thank you for supporting our dream.

Cam Sanders 65th Birthday Celebration - Location: Sandy Creek Farm Inc, Atwood, Ontario

Truck # K947 -

Driver: Kris Klein
Location: Snobelen Farms, Tiverton, Ontario

Truck # 2620 - Driver: Bill McCormick
Location: Underwood Grain, Wingham, Ontario

Truck # 4110 -

Driver: Mark Middleton
Location: Molesworth Farm Supply, Molesworth, Ontario

Trucks #784, #864, #575 & #312 -

All shined up in the yard
Location: Listowel, Ontario

Truck # 575 -

Driver: Dennis Knop
Location:  Masterfeeds, Wingham, Ontario

Truck # 567 -

Driver: Mervyn Gristey
Location:  Broadgrain Elevators, Seaforth, Ontario

Truck # 744 -

Driver: David Sidle
Location: P&H Elevators, Goderich, Ontario

Truck # 784 -

Driver: Darren Dobson
Location: Oakwood Elevators, Oakwood, Ontario

Truck # K947 -

Driver:  Kris Klein
Location: Varna Grain, Varna, Ontario

* pictures not found *

Truck # 312 - Driver: Calvin Leroux
Location:  WSC Transport Inc. Listowel, Ontario

Truck # 576 - Driver: Larry Harper
Location: Underwood Grain, Wingham, Ontario

Truck # 4110 - Driver: Mark Middleton
Location:  New Life, Listowel, Ontario

* Descriptions needed *

030MariDonkers - 030MariDonkers

2620loading - 2620loading

576wallenstien - 576wallenstien

606-jim-bannet - 606-jim-bannet

947 - 947

9904-roger chambers - 9904-roger chambers